L i f e
O v e r
V i o l e n c e
E p i d e m i c
Life Over Violence Epidemic (LOVE) is an initiative currently based out of Cleveland, OH and Charleston, SC aimed at improving interactions between youth and law enforcement. We seek to partner with youth, academic institutions, law enforcement and leading community development organizations such as Strategies for Youth to integrate and share best practices nationally in order to promote de-escalation and support healthy interactions for the benefit of all. Post training, we ask that our youth and supporting families display our rear windshield "LOVE" Badges as they serve as the new, current day symbol of unity between civilians and the brave men and women who protect, serve and uphold human life over violence.
Recognizing that this is a bold undertaking, we ask our members and supporters to notify us of local academic institutions, student groups, houses of worship and community liaison officers who may be interested in introducing youth and police to this type of training. A form to enter specific contact information is located on the contact information page. We provide subsidized funding for training and travel related expenses. The intent is for sponsored individuals to share their newly found insights with colleagues, family and friends upon returning to their respective areas of influence. We also facilitate webinars featuring officer insight to reach broader audiences and field specific questions.